Chada Azar wrote this article in MTV website:
“The happiest depressed people you will ever meet” is a phrase often used to describe Lebanese people. It resonates deeply with us. Over the past decade, we’ve endured the October 17th revolution, the COVID-19 pandemic, a crippling political system, the third Lebanese-Israeli war, and the painful reality of having most of our loved ones as expats.
These events represent just a fragment of our struggles. If we delve further into our history, the list of hardships grows exponentially. Yet, no matter how dire the circumstances, we always find a way to live and even have fun.
During the first month of conflict, people were spotted on Tyre’s beach, basking under the sun as drones and warplanes roared overhead. A TikTok video went viral of a young woman returning to her destroyed home to salvage jars of makdous with her family. When the situation eased, people threw parties, cracked jokes about Avichay Adraee, the Israeli army’s Arabic spokesperson, and returned to their routines.
This exemplifies the behavior of a people who constantly try to see the silver lining in the worst of things.
Many of us have blasted patriotic songs and clung to hope for a brighter future despite everything we’ve been through.
However, that patience evaporates when we hit the road.
Lebanese roads are a battlefield. Drivers exhibit severe road rage, and the country’s freeways often resemble scenes from The Hunger Games. People are perpetually angry, in a rush, and seem to expect teleportation from point A to point B.
For such a small country, Lebanon has an astonishing number of cars. According to Statista, the passenger car market in Lebanon is projected to grow by 4.38% between 2025 and 2029. Unfortunately, this increase comes amidst glaring deficiencies in infrastructure: lack of streetlights, faded road markings, and poorly maintained roads all contribute to the chaos.
Two words perfectly describe Lebanese drivers: Fast and Furious; but why is that?
Being stuck in traffic induces feelings of helplessness and frustration, especially for those with tight schedules, as missing commitments amplifies anxiety. Reckless behaviors like cutting off other drivers, and excessive honking further intensifies stress and irritation. Lebanese people already deal with high levels of stress from work, personal issues, and the country’s volatile situation, and traffic often acts as the tipping point that unleashes all their bottled-up frustration.
Dealing with road rage requires a combination of personal strategies and systemic changes.
Simple breathing exercises can help calm nerves during stressful driving situations. Leaving early and allocating extra time for commutes reduces the pressure of delays. Staying detached by reminding yourself that you cannot control other drivers’ behaviors but can control your reaction, while listening to good music or a podcast, can also create a more relaxed driving experience.
For a nation that excels at making the best of any situation, road rage is an area where we falter. Perhaps the same resilience that keeps us dancing during difficult times can inspire us to bring calm to our roads. After all, patience and adaptability are traits we’ve mastered, and it’s time to extend them to our driving habits.
Fast and Furious
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Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs: The Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Defense meet with the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force
The overall impact of Israeli attacks yesterday was as follows
Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs: We are ready to cooperate with the UN on the border, provided that Israel withdraws