El Sayegh to MTV: General Aoun has a fundamental virtue; he has neither bargained nor engaged in power-sharing and insists only on affirming commitment to international legitimacy and the required reforms
Adwan to MTV: General Joseph Aoun does not want to start his tenure with political or constitutional problems or disputes; he wants to implement the law, not to violate it
Adwan to MTV: We cannot guarantee that General Joseph Aoun will secure 86 votes, but what we want and will do is vote for him in every round, and we ask the resistance bloc, "Can they bear standing against the election of the army commander, whom they trust to implement the international resolution?"
Watch: Why Did the LF Agree on the Army Commander?
MP Salim el Sayegh to MTV: The scene of the opposition's unity today is not against anyone; it is in support of restoring the state and backing General Joseph Aoun to be a president free from any ties or commitments