Princess Mona Al-Solh was laid to rest after the afternoon prayer on Sunday at the Imam Turki bin Abdullah Mosque in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Her coffin was carried by Prince Alwaleed bin Talal and his brother Prince Khaled, surrounded by a large crowd of Saudi royals, high-ranking figures, and her family members, including her daughter, sisters, and grandchildren.
Princess Mona, who held both Lebanese and Saudi nationalities, was an epitome of a noble Arab woman, blending her distinguished lineage with deep adherence to humanitarian values. She was raised in the home of her late father, Prime Minister Riyad Al-Solh, a symbol of Lebanese independence, alongside her late sister Aliya, Princess Lamia, Mrs. Bahija, and Minister Leila Hamadeh. Princess Mona had witnessed the reigns of many kings and presidents since her youth, and her love for Lebanon was instilled by her father, with whom she accompanied on numerous visits.
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