Geagea to MTV: This government will be much better than previous ones, and I am comfortable so far; PM-designate Salam shares many of our concerns and solutions
- Geagea to MTV: The axis of resistance is our disaster in this country, and when it doesn't fill the streets with black shirts, it does so in the media with black news
- Geagea to MTV: I called PM-designate Nawaf Salam today, and we discussed the current matters; he is extremely humble and truly "of the people"
- Geagea to MTV: PM-designate Salam met with the Shiite duo, as he did with the others, and 'didn't give them anything,' as the axis of resistance engages in media diarrhea
- Geagea to MTV: Some of the change-oriented MPs did not maintain the same political atmosphere after the parliamentary elections in terms of their relationship with the parties without which political life cannot function