Geagea to MTV: PM-designate Salam met with the Shiite duo, as he did with the others, and 'didn't give them anything,' as the axis of resistance engages in media diarrhea
The Israeli army: We fired at a number of individuals who were approaching our deployment points in Gaza
Geagea live from It's About Time's (Sar El Waet) studio: Through my presence, I wanted to say that we have emerged from the big prison and are in a new phase, with hope in the country growing significantly
Geagea to MTV: The axis of resistance is our disaster in this country, and when it doesn't fill the streets with black shirts, it does so in the media with black news
Geagea to MTV: I called PM-designate Nawaf Salam today, and we discussed the current matters; he is extremely humble and truly "of the people"