Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri commented on the recent developments in the south via X, saying: “I bow before the martyrs and wounded of our defenseless people in the south and before their pure will in confronting an occupation that violates the ceasefire agreement, and I salute our national army, and I hope that our people will abide by its directives to protect them.”
He added: "The international community is called upon to immediately assume its responsibilities towards the illegal occupation and towards a guaranteed agreement sponsored by the major powers and to which Lebanon has fully committed."
Hariri calls on International community to assume its responsibility immediately
The UN Coordinator and the UNIFIL Commander in Lebanon: The deadlines set by the ceasefire agreement have not been adhered to, and the conditions are not suitable for the safe return of citizens to their villages along the Blue Line
NNA: Four citizens from Akkar arrived in the areas of SDF during a hunting trip, and their families have appealed to officials to bring them back
UNIFIL: The Lebanese Army has shown determination in deploying to areas from which the Israeli Army withdrew
A soldier martyred by Israeli enemy gunfire