Geagea to MTV: The legal mechanism must be adopted in appointments, and the field should be opened to Lebanese competencies for first-class positions
Geagea to MTV: We will leave immediately if there is any manipulation of the ministerial statement, and we will not accept any formula of Army, People, Resistance
Geagea to MTV: If we hadn't taken the step of nominating Nawaf Salam, the presidency would have been undermined from the very beginning
Geagea to MTV: The nomination of Nawaf Salam was a Lebanese decision, and there was no foreign intervention; the visit of the Saudi Foreign Minister signals a new phase, and it is Lebanon that has strayed from the Arab embrace
Geagea to MTV: The Ministry of Energy "suits us, but right now, we don't want it," because it needs two years to deliver the desired results, and they are currently looking for someone who may be willing to take it on