MP Farid Boustany to MTV: I represent the people of Chouf, and my vote will be in the ballot box; I have never been accustomed to differentiation, and I always follow my conscience
Mohammad Barakat: After Joseph Aoun's presidency and the army's deployment in the south, Lebanon needs a new revival for the Internal Security Forces and security agencies, along with a Minister of Interior who has strong presence and experience
MP Simon Abi Ramia: We have worked for consensus among the political components, Joseph Aoun was one of the serious names proposed, and we stand with him and will be by his side today
Abi Ramia: We hope that the Shiite duo will join us in the consensus to build a new phase for the benefit of Lebanon
MP Asaad Dergham to MTV: Our position is firm and clear; if the army commander receives 86 votes, then good for him, but we will be in the opposition