Al-Khatib: We rely on the efforts of Berri and Mikati and grant them our full trust, while condemning the Zionist aggression against UNIFIL forces
The Israeli Army: The naval forces targeted Hezbollah infrastructure in southern Lebanon
Al-Khatib: We commend the heroic resistance fighters and call for the establishment of a true and capable state that can fulfill its national responsibilities in defending its sovereignty and the dignity of its people and in building a state of belonging
Al-Khatib: Openness and seriousness require acknowledging the reasons for the failure to build the state so that we can all walk under its care and protection, emerge from this situation, and have the state assume responsibility for defending the security and stability of its citizens
Al-Khatib: A consensus president must be elected for the country so that all Lebanese can unite behind him to bear this heavy burden; however, first, the insane war must be halted with the Lebanese people standing together as one