Geagea to MTV about weapons in the Palestinian camps: We want a serious authority, even if just once, that shows a bit of courage... 'You need someone bold enough to speak out'
Geagea to MTV: We don’t want a president who is just sitting on his hands in Baabda, and the most important thing is to stop the gunfire, but how do we achieve this?
Geagea to MTV: If the agreed-upon president has the necessary qualifications and can put an end to the gunfire, that would be my greatest wish, and we will not accept the current situation or waste 30 or 40 years of our people's lives
Geagea to MTV: Bassil "talks to talk", hasn't visited an area without causing strife there, and he "teaches us about it"
Geagea to MTV: I have circulated to citizens to report any unacceptable matter they may notice to the security agencies, and the matter is proceeding well so far