The Queen requires a huge number of staff, plenty of protection, a number of jewels and (presumably) plenty of dog food for her corgis.
But one thing she doesn't need is a passport.
Unlike the rest of us, including all other members of the royal family, the Queen isn't required to flash a passport at security. Ever.
This is because all British passports are issued in her name.
The official royal website states:
"When travelling overseas, The Queen does not require a British passport. The cover of a British passport is in EU format, maroon in colour and features the Royal Arms. The first page contains another representation of the Arms, together with the following wording:
'Her Britannic Majesty's Secretary of State requests and requires in the name of Her Majesty all those whom it may concern to allow the bearer to pass freely without let or hindrance and to afford the bearer such assistance and protection as may be necessary.'
As a British passport is issued in the name of Her Majesty, it is unnecessary for The Queen to possess one. All other members of the Royal Family, including The Duke of Edinburgh and The Prince of Wales, have passports.
In realms (Commonwealth countries where The Queen is Sovereign), a similar formula is used, except that the request to all whom it may concern is made in the name of the realm's Governor-General, as The Queen's representative in that realm. In Canada, the request is made in the name of Her Majesty by the Minister of Foreign Affairs."
According to Business Insider, the Queen is also exempt from needing a driving license.