Kataeb MP Sami Gemayel’s visit to Rabieh is no simple deal. A picture really is worth a thousand words in this particular case. But the content of the meeting between Gemayel and MP Michel Aoun is not really valid as looks here are far more important than the actual talks.
Gemayel usually plays the right cards and this visit is aimed at breaking the political status quo, summarized by two main points: No parliamentary elections and no presidential vote.
As for those with a vivid imagination, who possibly believe that the visit is aimed at setting fertile grounds for a Kataeb-FPM alliance are wrong.
The meeting between the two men doesn’t imply that any of them is set to let go of his political stances and known alliances.
At a time when Kataeb sources revealed that Gemayel’s visit to Aoun is more than a regular visit but not quite an initiative, Politburo member Albert Kostanian noted that it is aimed at easing the tension that is currently overshadowing the Christian scene.
According to Kostanian, talks are bound to address existential threats, the parliamentary term extension and the Syrian refugee crisis, adding that the two men will also discuss the presidential race and Gemayel will ask why the Free Patriotic Movement is obstruction the election of a head of state.