Abou Faour to MTV: We were not involved in the alleged agreement between the Shiite duo and President Joseph Aoun, so we must be cautious in using terms that imply a coup
MP Ibrahim Mneimneh to MTV: My candidacy for the premiership was aimed at creating momentum around a unifying figure, and it was coordinated with Nawaf Salam; we achieved our goal, and the candidacy yielded its results
Mneimneh to MTV: We reject the talk of exclusion, and we will begin communicating with all political forces; the topic of change for us has ended, and we have now shifted to the goal of building the state
MP Said Asmar to MTV: The Lebanese Forces are always the key player, but no one can claim sole credit for bringing in new faces; rather, it is the convergence of the sovereign forces
Asmar to MTV: When we realized there was no hope for Makhzoumi's election as Prime Minister, we chose to nominate Nawaf Salam based on numerical calculations