Qassem: There is no place in the Israeli entity that is out of reach for planes and rockets; the days ahead will be like those that have passed, serving as a model
Qassem: We have been facing an Israeli aggression against Lebanon for a month and ten days, and it no longer matters how it began or what pretexts caused it; what matters is that we are facing Israeli aggression
Qassem: We expected that the war would happen one day, and therefore we prepared for it; we are now in a defensive state to confront the aggression and its expansionist goals
Qassem: The enemy is facing a resistance with fundamental strengths that "they should keep in mind," the first of which is that the party holds a strong Islamic doctrine that makes it stand for truth and steadfastness, and that all the resistance fighters are martyrs who have offered their lives to God; "nothing matters to them"
Qassem: When will this aggressive war stop? I will tell you clearly, only the battlefield can stop this war, and this is not a war in which Israel will succeed