Qassem: We are facing the danger of a new Middle East, shaped by Netanyahu and supported by America
Qassem: Israel is an expansionist occupier that is not satisfied with Palestine and seeks the entire Arab region, relying on killing, displacement, massacres, vices, and the unconditional support of the United States, as well as on time—what it cannot take today, it aims to take tomorrow or later
Qassem: Instead of asking why the Al-Aqsa Flood occurred, ask why the occupation began; resistance is a right for Palestine, and Lebanon cannot be separated from it
Qassem: Lebanon is part of Israel's expansionist project, and whenever the Israelis feel capable of expanding, they will; our support for the Palestinians is a support for justice, and through this support, we limit Israel's options for expansion
Qassem: If it weren't for America, the great Satan, Israel would not have been able to achieve such control; America wants a new Middle East, as Condoleezza Rice stated in 2006, and now Netanyahu is repeating the same words