The opposition MPs' meeting has begun in Maarab, attended by Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea, Kataeb Party leader MP Samy Gemayel, and a group of MPs including Fouad Makhzoumi, Ashraf Rifi, Michel Mouawad, Waddah Sadek, Michel Douaihy, Mark Daou, Adib Abdel Massih, Nadim Gemayel, Salim Sayegh, and Elias Hankach. Representing the Lebanese Forces were MPs Sethrida Geagea, Ghassan Hasbani, and George Okais.
The opposition MPs' meeting kicks off in Maarab
Lebanese Kataeb Party leader, MP Samy Gemayel arrived in Maarab to meet the head of the Lebanese Forces Party Samir Geagea ahead of the opposition meeting
Le Drian visited Geagea and left without making a statement
Photo: Bassil is meeting Le Drian
The exchange rate of the lira remains stable and is not expected to change