MP Jihad Samad: I do not have the luxury of opposition, and I did not nominate Nawaf Salam as Prime Minister because I don't know him personally, but I know of him, and I will grant the government my confidence, which has already earned popular trust before parliamentary trust
Mohammad Yahya: It is important to fully commit to Resolution 1701, establish a defense strategy, monopolize weapons in the hands of the state, ensure justice for all, make necessary appointments, carry out judicial reshuffles, and adopt sound financial policies
Mohammad Yahya: In line with the presidential oath and the ministerial statement, I give my confidence to the government
MP Nabil Badr: We worked hard to bring a Prime Minister who reflects the will of the Lebanese people and complements the President, and when Salam was appointed, we were hopeful that he would form a government different from its predecessors, but unfortunately, what we had hoped for has not been achieved
Nabil Badr: We will monitor the government's work positively without granting it our confidence