Sayegh to MTV: What is needed is genuine conviction and the shift from a military to a civilian structure, and governance is about vision and foresight
MP Salim Sayegh to MTV: What reassured me in Speaker Berri's statement is that we are confronting any aggression with a state mentality, and the Lebanese state should face any violation of its sovereignty, which is a good thing
Sayegh to MTV: The events on the south of the Litani river are part of a comprehensive plan within the Quintet Committee and the implementation of Resolution 1701, and we need to closely monitor what is happening in the south
MP Kassem Hachem to MTV: The Israeli occupation in the south should be confronted, and the state is responsible for that; the South Lebanon Council is in charge of assisting the people of the south, and we are entering a new phase
Karam to MTV: Lebanon is once again a platform for itself, and we will not sacrifice any inch of Lebanese territory; we must continue working with the Quintet Committee and avoid violating the ceasefire, and the strongest response to any enemy is through internal solidarity