El Khazen: Patriarch Rahi considers that Lebanon is amputated today and without a head, and there is great importance in electing a president
Mohammad Barakat during the launch of a national political document titled "Lebanon: A Final Homeland, Arab Identity": Lebanon's freedom cannot be restored without implementing the constitution and the Taif Accord, which we have never applied, and had we adhered to neutrality in the conflicts of axes, it would have spared us decades of crises and war
MP Farid Haykal El Khazen from Bkerke: We hope that the January 9 session will be fruitful and result in a president for the republic, and I briefed Patriarch Rahi on the consultations I am conducting, which aim to bring the viewpoints closer
El Khazen: I confirmed to Patriarch Rahi that the presidential session will result in a president, and it is not true that the blocs are sticking to their positions; I sensed an intention among the blocs to reach the election of a president
El Khazen: The rapprochement between the blocs aims to reach a presidential candidate, and no one has the intention or courage to withdraw from the session in front of the ambassadors and the whole world, and these two factors confirm the election of a president on January 9