Qassem: The ceasefire agreement is not a treaty, nor is it a new agreement that requires international signatures; rather, it is an action plan related to the implementation of Resolution 1701
Qassem: The Israeli aggression was very severe and caused us to live in a state of confusion for 10 days, but afterward, Hezbollah regained its strength and initiative, standing firm on the front lines, while Israel suffered significant losses
Qassem: The resistance has proven that it is ready, and because of its steadfastness, the Israeli enemy reached a dead end and failed in the face of the most honorable people, betting on internal strife, which turned out to be a failed wager
Qassem: Our resilience amazed the world, struck fear into the Israeli army, and instilled despair in both Israeli politicians and the public
Qassem: We are facing a great victory that surpasses the one achieved in July 2006 due to the prolonged duration, the intensity of the battle, the great sacrifices, and because we prevented the enemy from dismantling Hezbollah and weakening the resistance