President Michel Aoun on Thursday said that contacts in a bid to form a new government "have come a long way", expressing hope that a new cabinet would see the light within the coming few days" now that designation and cabinet formation obstacles have been eliminated."
The President's words came before a visiting delegation of economic bodies in Lebanon to whom he highlighted the importance of cooperation dealing with the repercussions that have ensued as a result of the current situation.
"The security forces have begun to open roads, which facilitates movement among regions and reboots the economic wheel, even if gradually," Aoun said.
In turn, the delegation of economic bodies, which included Caretaker Minister of Telecoms, Mohammad Choucair, Secretary General and head of Beirut Traders' Association, Nicolas Chammas, and President of the Lebanese Industrialists Association, Fadi Gemayel, briefed the President on the circumstances of the commercial, industrial, and contractors' establishments as a result of the recent developments and the damage caused by the ill-fated events, as well as the material losses suffered by workers in these sectors.
On the diplomatic scene, President Aoun met with Canadian Ambassador, Emmanuelle Lamoureux, Norwegian Ambassador, Lenny Natasha Lindh, and Swiss Charge d'Affaires, Simon Aman, who conveyed their countries' concern vis-à-vis the political and security developments in Lebanon, as well as the popular protests and their resonance.
President Aoun explained to the three diplomats what was happening within the political and security arenas, and the circumstances that have taken place in recent weeks.
"Work is underway to address these events, especially with regard to the economic situation and the formation of a new government," Aoun said.
He pointed out that the demands made by protesters were the subject of follow-up, and would top the agenda of the future government.
The three diplomats expressed hope that "the coming days will witness more stability and security in Lebanon."
On the other hand, President Aoun received Egyptian Ambassador to Lebanon, Nazih al-Najari, who paid him a farewell visit marking the end of his diplomatic mission in Lebanon.
The President hailed the efforts exerted by Ambassador Al-Najari to strengthen and develop Lebanese-Egyptian relations in all fields, wishing him success in his new responsibilities at the Egyptian Foreign Ministry.