"If we were to be asked to define democracy we would, at first, think that we have an easy answer," said President Michel Aoun, at the opening of the International Conference on "Equality in Democracy".
"We assume that once we describe the rule in a country as democratic, then there is a democratic system that prevails. Has that been the truth, there would be no crises."
"Democracy is a form of regime in which citizens exercise power directly or through an authority such as the parliament," Aoun said. "Democracy, in the definition of the United Nations, is no longer just a form of regime but a way to guarantee human rights, among which the right to vote."
"Equality is to enjoy rights without discrimination by race, sex, ethnicity or any other criteria, and everyone has the right for equal protection against discrimination," the Head of State maintained.
"Regrettably, the principle of equality cannot be properly applied in Lebanon as long as its sectarian system determines the identity of those in power. Should we want to approach democracy, it is imperative to reach a secular State," he said.
"When we ask why the gap is widening between classes in democratic countries, the argument would be that democracy has not achieved social equality. There is no democracy without accountability," he said, referring to "Lebanon's sad reality because of the absence of accountability."
"Unjust international policies lead to conflicts and tension in the world, thus the spread of terrorism," Aoun added, noting that "the spirit of democracy is one and indivisible."
"With accountability promoted and sectarianism tuned down, we are able to achieve the aspirations of the Lebanese people and anchor Lebanon's message of coexistence and peace," the President concluded.