Prime Minister Tamam Salam said Sunday that he backs holding negotiations so as to release the abducted soldiers in Arsal, calling for keeping this matter away from competitions and speculations among Lebanese political forces.
In an interview with al-Hayat pan-Arab daily, Salam revealed that he asked Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to exert efforts to free the policemen. The latter vowed to aid Lebanon once he's back to his homeland, according to the premier.
Asked about the situation in Arsal, Salam opined that the situation there is abnormal and cannot resume this way.
"We should help Arsal residents and Syrian refugees in the town but not at the expense of the residents or Lebanese people," he added.
He pointed out that the proposal of establishing a buffer zone on Lebanese-Syrian borders is being discussed, however no positive signs loom since international groups do not encourage such idea, and suggest resuming providing aids to refugees and Lebanese state.
On the other side, Salam stressed that US and World Powers are keen on keeping Lebanon away from regional turmoil through supporting Lebanese army, the government and empowering the democratic regime in Lebanon.
Commenting on Lebanon's role in the coalition to fight Islamic State, Salam stated that Lebanon possess no defense abilities similar to the coalition countries, expressing his fear over turning Lebanon into a passage for terrorists in Syria.