Crime vs. crime means revenge;
But crime vs. legalized crime means capital punishment;
“Capital punishment is considered as violation of the simplest of Human Rights at all, which is the right of living,” opponents of death sentence define it.
Since Lebanon's independence, 52 death sentences were issued by Lebanese authorities and were also executed as a result of murders. The first execution date back to President Beshara Khoury mandate and the last one during President Emile Lahoud mandate. These live video is taken in the year of 1998 during the mandate of President Elias Herawi.
There are around 54 prisoners sentenced to death awaiting the death penalty today.
It has been over a decade since Lebanon carried out its last death penalty sentence. Despite the fervor of some victims' families to carry out executions, many say that the government has instituted a de facto moratorium on the practice.
Two major developments occurred in order to abolish the death penalty:
Back in 2001, a bill stipulating obligatory signature on the death sentence was abolished, as it also prevents judges from taking into consideration extenuating circumstances.
While in the year of 2011, parliament approved a bill amending law on the implementation of sentences, creating a formal status for those "sentenced to death without being executed."
This amendment is a sign that the concept of punishment in the Lebanese penal system has begun to evolve, according to the opponents.
They need to omit political and religious accounts first and then they urge to bring the official institutions back to life, mainly the parliament and the government, then the serious labor shall begin…