Minister of Industry, George Boujikian, on Friday said during his meeting with the CEO and founder of Made in Lebanon that the United States’ openness to Lebanese products was very encouraging.
“It’s an outright evidence of the high quality our national industry, especially with the recognition of the US authorities, particularly the Food and Drug Administration (FDA),” Boujikian added.
The Industry Minister lauded the efforts of the Lebanese diplomatic missions and consulates in Washington and other states, “where ongoing workshops are held to introduce Lebanese exporters to the owners of major points of sale in the US, and to educate them about the conditions and standards required to enter the US market."
Boujikian separately met with the Resident Representative of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), Emmanuel Kalinzi, with whom he discussed a new project funded by the European Union worth €3 million and €700 thousand allocated for food, solar energy efficiency, and alternative resources. The project is titled "Transition of the private sector to a green and circular economy."