MP Fouad Makhzoumi wrote today on X: "Failing to implement the ceasefire agreement is not in the interest of Lebanon, which cannot tolerate a renewed war. The safe and quick way to end the occupation and protect Lebanon lies in extending state authority, restricting weapons to the army, and implementing all international resolutions and the armistice agreement. Repeating adventures with known results is a recipe for Lebanon's destruction. Beware of not learning from failed and destructive experiences. We call on the state to extend its authority and prevent foreign-driven adventures. The Lebanese refuse tampering with their fate. The state alone is the liberator and protector."
Makhzoumi: State alone can liberate and protect
Hamas: We call on our people in the West Bank to stand firm and escalate resistance actions, and we demand the international community to pressure the occupation to stop its crimes and prosecute it for the war crimes it commits
Israeli Army Radio, according to military sources: The rocket fire from Lebanon is a serious violation of the ceasefire agreements
Member of the Strong Republic bloc, MP Antoine Habchi, to MTV in response to Hezbollah's denial of involvement in the rocket fire: There is no unified decision-making within Hezbollah today, and we have no idea which faction is taking the decisions
Habchi to MTV: The presidency and government bear the responsibility of ensuring that there is no ambiguity regarding the implementation of the ceasefire agreement