If one were to listen to a member of the Kulluna Irada association, read one of its statements, or review its declared objectives, they might be overcome with a sense of elation—almost convinced that the organization is on the verge of transforming Lebanon into a new Switzerland. Then, suddenly, we remember the famous saying: What sounds promising brings joy, but experiencing it brings sorrow.
The association’s rhetoric is laced with phrases that resonate with Lebanese citizens who have suffered under rampant corruption, leading to the collapse for which many parties bear responsibility, first and foremost the successive governments. Kulluna Irada preaches about good governance, transparency, reform, and accountability. Yet, a closer look at some of its members’ backgrounds and its sources of funding reveals these slogans to be nothing more than poison coated in honey—pleasant words masking sinister intentions. The real goal? To seize control over Lebanon’s financial and economic levers, influence political decision-making through electoral participation, and provide financial backing to select candidates—all in stark contradiction to its own lofty claims of transparency and reform.
This is why Kulluna Irada cannot be viewed in the same light as the various civil society organizations that have emerged in Lebanon in recent years. This association poses a real and pressing threat to Lebanon’s financial and economic identity. It must be closely monitored, its funding sources scrutinized, and its hidden agendas exposed. Now, with three lawyers filing a legal complaint against it, the judiciary faces a serious test—one that will reveal whether Kulluna Irada’s funding extends to influencing the courts as well.