Prime Minister Najib Mikati on Monday held a meeting with the National Anti-Corruption Commission, headed by Judge Claude Karam, following its new appointment, in the presence of the Cabinet Secretary-General, Judge Mahmoud Makieh.
During the meeting, Premier Mikati affirmed his support for the Commission's work in implementing the laws and stressed on providing the necessary facilities for the Commission’s work progress.
Also, Premier Mikati welcomed at the Grand Serail Iranian Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance, Mohammad-Mehdi Esmaeili, heading a delegation in the presence of Minister of Culture, Judge Mohammed Wissam Mortada.
Mikati met with former Minister, MP Akram Chehayeb, with discussions reportedly touching on the issue of re-operating the Naameh plant for the production of electric power.
The PM later met with former Economy Minister Raed Khoury.