Minister of Labor, Moustafa Bayram, reminded, in circular No. 4/1, "that preference should be given to the Lebanese worker to be employed in public administrations, institutions, municipalities and banks."
"The economic and social conditions, the distress that the citizen is experiencing, and the increasing unemployment rate require seeking measures to relieve citizens of these burdens,” the issued circular stated, noting that “this obligation is imposed by the preamble to the Lebanese Constitution, which compels the constitutional authorities to establish social justice and guarantee citizens' rights and freedom, especially the right to work.”
The circular continued to outline the necessary measures to protect the Lebanese workforce, stating:
“I) First, the Ministry of Labor reminds all departments, public institutions, municipalities and banks of the relevant legal provisions, in particular:
1- To be strict in monitoring the implementation of contracting companies for the supply of manpower or the provision of services, by obtaining work permits for foreign workers in public projects assigned to them
2- To adhere to the decisions issued by the Ministry of Labor related to the professions that must be restricted to Lebanese citizens
3- To include in the books of conditions of service supply deals ‘giving preference to Lebanese labor’, especially in manual and technical professions and maintenance works
4- To seek the employment of male and female Lebanese workers in cleaning and hospitality services in banks, public administrations, public institutions and municipalities
5- To accord preference to the Lebanese worker over the foreign worker
II) Secondly, the National Employment Institution should prepare a detailed study of the professions that foreigners must be prevented from practicing in whole or in part, in accordance with market requirements and the economic and social situation
III) Third, the concerned departments in the Ministry of Labor must be strict in implementing the decisions related to professions restricted to the Lebanese and not to conduct work permit transactions for foreigners if they find that there are Lebanese who are able to carry out these jobs
IV) Fourth, this circular is to be published in the ‘Official Gazette’ and communicated where needed.”