President Joseph Aoun: Both fasting periods are paths leading to one spiritual goal, and the Lord reminds us that we are one, united, and will remain united forever
A meeting between the President, Parliament Speaker, and Prime Minister took place at Baabda Palace ahead of Iftar
President Aoun: For the President of the Republic to be the symbol of national unity means that we are all under the authority of the state, as our unity is our shield and greatest asset, and through our unity, we protect our country from aggression, liberate our land, and reclaim our captives
President Joseph Aoun during the presidential palace Iftar: The legitimacy of any authority in Lebanon lies in being together, living together, fasting and praying together, as well as resisting and triumphing together
President Aoun: We rebuild what was destroyed through our unity and pledge not to allow destruction again; we plant hope, rise victorious after any setback, and ensure that no group among us is left grieving or marginalized