Abou Haidar to MTV: The necessary reforms must be implemented, and regarding prices, we have referred the crisis merchants to the judiciary, and we stand by the people
Economy Ministry's Director General Mohamad Abou Haidar to MTV: The war losses are estimated between 12 to 15 billion dollars, with more than 50% of the local output lost, and while we couldn't catch up with the holiday season, there is a glimmer of hope
Head of Syndicate of Owners of Restaurants, Cafes and Nightclubs Tony Ramy to MTV: The tourism sector fell silent in respect for the dead, we are living the consequences of the war and have lost much of the tourism revenue, but the restaurants and nightclubs have reopened their doors
Abou Haidar to MTV: What is required today is to look into trade agreements with Syria, control the borders, protect legitimate institutions, prevent the informal economy, support sectors, and ensure the quality of all services
Ramy to MTV: We are honored to invest in Syria today, as the Syrian people love life and have the right to live, and Syria is important tourism-wise