Mahfoud: Iran considers Beirut to be under its control, just like other Arab capitals, and I appeal to public opinion and call for an uprising against Iranian domination over Lebanon
Former MP Eddy Abillammaa, following a meeting of the Sovereign Front: There is no salvation for the Lebanese except through a return to the state and the Constitution
Abillammaa: Lebanon will only achieve stability through a true state that exclusively holds military authority and controls decisions of war and peace, and we have paid a heavy price for standing firm on our Lebanese principles, including Geagea's imprisonment and the dissolution of the Lebanese Forces party, but we remain unwavering in our demand for one legitimate source of arms under the state's authority
MTV Sources: Geagea told Hochstein yesterday that any solution must strictly adhere to international resolutions and the Taif Agreement, including banning armed groups outside state authority and disbanding all militias, and anything less is unacceptable and against Lebanon's interests
Head of the Change Movement Elie Mahfoud: We noted the contrast between the reception of the Iranian minister at Beirut Airport and the conduct of the US envoy, who adhered to regulations, and we ask the Iranians 'if any Lebanese official were to pass through your airports, would they be allowed to bypass the procedures, or would they be subject to the same measures that apply to everyone?'