Frem to MTV: What is required today is for Hezbollah agree on a ceasefire and fully implement Resolution 1701
Pakradounian: In the end, Lebanon will prevail, and every area in the country represents all of Lebanon; any martyred citizen is a martyr for the entire nation, and we must all show compassion and solidarity
Israeli emergency services: 2 Israelis were injured with critical and moderate wounds due to gunfire at two locations near Ashdod, and the shooter has been neutralized
Frem to MTV: The decision to enter the war was not in the hands of the state and the people, and I fear that Lebanon may become a second Gaza
Frem to MTV: Things are quickly and significantly escalating, we may enter a dark tunnel that will cost all of Lebanon, and I fear that we could revert to a time similar to the 2006 war, where all infrastructure becomes a target