Saloum to MTV: Out of 3,400 pharmacies, a third have stopped operating, around 400 to 500 pharmacies located in areas under attack are still functioning, but they are operating with minimal resources
Saloum to MTV: I call on the Red Cross, UNIFIL, the crisis management, and the government to develop a plan to retrieve medicines from the closed pharmacies in coordination with the syndicate and pharmacy owners
Saloum to MTV: There are difficulties in importing medicines from abroad because the airport has been designated only for civilian flights, and the aid coming to Lebanon is not reaching the pharmacies
Saloum to MTV: Lebanon is not prepared for a war of this kind, especially after the exhaustion since 2019 until today, and pharmacists are currently suffering and facing risks to secure medicine for the citizens
Saloum to MTV: I urge the authorities to prioritize cancer patients, those with multiple sclerosis, and individuals with chronic illnesses, and to allocate funds for them at the upcoming donors' conference