The Iranian president, Hassan Rouhani, has reacted to Benyamin Netanyahu's speech to US Congress by saying that the world and the American people are too intelligent to take advice from “an aggressive and occupier regime” that has itself developed an arsenal of nuclear weapons.
“The world is happy with the progress in the negotiations between Iran and the P5+1,” Rouhani said in a cabinet meeting on Wednesday, speaking about the nuclear talks between Iran and the US, France, Germany, China, Russia and Britain.
“Only one aggressive and occupier regime (Israel) is angry with the talks because it sees its existence tied with war and occupation.”
Rouhani said: “People of the world and America are too smart to take advice from such a war-mongering regime... which has pursued, produced and stockpiled a large number of atomic bombs in violation of international laws and away from the eyes of international inspectors.” Rouhani was referring to the fact that Israel, unlike Iran, has not signed the treaty on non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.