Syndicate demonstration outside Labor Union, marches towards Riad el-Solh Square
16 تشرين الثاني 2019 17:18
A demonstration march set out from in front of the General Labor Union headquarters towards Riad el-Solh Square in downtown Beirut on Saturday.
The march was called for by the "Association of Technical Professionals", with the participation of "University Instructors Association", 'Lebanese University Students Bloc", "Independent Employees Gathering," among others, in demand for an independent and alternative democratic union movement, one that represents laborers and not parties of power or money whales.
The demonstrators chanted slogans that called for syndicate unions that adhere to the democratic mechanism and respecting the decision of the general assemblies and councils of delegates.
The protesters emphasized that "laborers are part of the October 17 uprising against the capitalist sectarian system," while calling for having the freedom to organize the union's work without prior authorization, alongside the right of public sector employees to engage in syndicate order.