How to: Expand Your Life, Get to Happy Enough, and Find Love
Grace Massoud
11 أيلول 2023 15:40
Grace Massoud wrote this article in MTV Website:
…In that magic secret garden, what is meant for you, will simply find you.
How do we plant our garden, turning it into a sight for sore eyes, a delight for all senses, a sought-after attraction?
We start off by expanding our world and the road to accomplish this is by examining the needs we should meet weekly. For me, it is the need to be active and work out, the need to read, listen to podcasts, learn new things and keep growing, the need for connection and laughter with people. Now we ask ourselves what new ways can we come up with to meet those needs. It could be pursuing new activities, hiking, diving, joining a running group. All this newness will create fresh neurotransmitters nourishing our brains.
Secondly, we say yes to plans and people we’ve been dismissing or even coming up with plans with new people ourselves. Taking the lead and doing anything to get out of our rut and explore novel worlds through other people. New-found friendship groups add wonderful dimensions to our lives and through them we are more likely to meet an interesting partner.
Lastly, we discover an adventure within a 90-minute radius of where we live, be the tourist in your own country. Going off on a marvelous, surprising escapade close to home will blow up our world and add layers of meaning. I want to go swimming in a waterfall before the end of summer to get the ball rolling in my own life.
Suppose you don’t meet anyone after following through with these steps in the next three years, you will have had the most mind, friendship, and world expanding time of your life.
Taking this approach, expanding your world, preventing it from shrinking, will ensure meeting someone becomes as close to inevitable as possible. You achieve a “Happily Single yet Hopeful” status.
The “Happy Enough” notion is a more modest goal than blissfully happy to be deserving of Love. It requires three magic ingredients. The communication skills equipping you with the ability to relay your values, needs, standards and expectations. It is a language we master to handle all sorts of situations in all sorts of relationships.
The confidence to know your worth, see your value and set the tone for others by how you treat yourself. It will allow you to walk away if your needs are not met after being clearly communicated.
Finally, craft a rich and fulfilling world. Invest in health and fitness, your passions, your friends and family. Have a sense of purpose and a career you’re proud of.
An analogy that depicts this beautifully is seeing your life as a table and all of these components as the legs it stands on. When one of them breaks, when your partner falls short and is no longer treating your right, the others will carry the weight until it is repaired.
Happy Enough gives personal power. Have courage, drive and structure to go after your heart’s desires, mend what has been ailing you for years, and build a life that only allows for healthy and loving relationships.
Time does not heal all wounds, directing our healing does. Direct it right.