Asmar to MTV: When we realized there was no hope for Makhzoumi's election as Prime Minister, we chose to nominate Nawaf Salam based on numerical calculations
MP Michel Douaihy to MTV: The priority for many parliamentary blocs was to prevent Najib Mikati's return to the premiership, and opposition MPs agreed to nominate Salam after confirming he would secure more than 50 votes
MP Ibrahim Mneimneh to MTV: My candidacy for the premiership was aimed at creating momentum around a unifying figure, and it was coordinated with Nawaf Salam; we achieved our goal, and the candidacy yielded its results
Mneimneh to MTV: We reject the talk of exclusion, and we will begin communicating with all political forces; the topic of change for us has ended, and we have now shifted to the goal of building the state
MP Said Asmar to MTV: The Lebanese Forces are always the key player, but no one can claim sole credit for bringing in new faces; rather, it is the convergence of the sovereign forces