Naim Qassem: We will stand hand in hand with the Lebanese state in the process of reconstruction, and we call on friendly countries, Arab brothers, and expatriates to participate in the rebuilding efforts
Naim Qassem: In November, Hezbollah decided to provide a financial gift ranging from 300 to 400 dollars to each displaced family
Naim Qassem: We are grateful for the Islamic Republic of Iran, led by Imam Khamenei, as well as the state, the people, and the Revolutionary Guard for their generous support during the displacement process
Naim Qassem: Owners of homes that have been completely destroyed and used as primary residences will receive $8,000 as compensation for furniture; if they are from Beirut, they will receive $6,000 as rent compensation for one year, and if they are from outside Beirut, they will receive $4,000 as rent compensation for one year
Naim Qassem: We will not accept for our people to be displaced in public spaces or in places where they become a burden on others; we want them to be honored, especially those whose homes have been completely or partially destroyed