Former MP Eddy Abillammaa, following a meeting of the Sovereign Front: There is no salvation for the Lebanese except through a return to the state and the Constitution
Hayat Arslan to MTV: We are preparing for the upcoming elections to overcome the devastation we are living through, by introducing new faces in Parliament and coordinating with foreign countries
MP Camille Chamoun, after a meeting of the Sovereign Front: If we want to ensure our rights internationally, we must return to the 1949 Armistice Agreement between Lebanon and Israel, which was between two states, unlike the current situation involving a militia and a state
Chamoun: We call for a serious and international review of the Armistice Agreement to clarify Lebanon's official decision and safeguard the country's international rights
Berri is currently meeting in Ain el-Tineh with the UK Ministry of Defence's Senior Advisor for the Middle East and North Africa, Admiral Edward Allgren, and the accompanying military delegation, in the presence of British Ambassador Hamish Cowell